Mikki Sodergren
Bangor Symphony Youth Orchestras ensemble
The Symphony Soirée is a unique and exciting fundraising event to benefit one of Bangor’s oldest and most vibrant cultural institutions, featuring a diverse online silent auction, a reception, live auction, and an unforgettable entertainment experience.
Join us for a night inspired by the wonder and splendor of the night skies at this year’s Symphony Soirée! Guests will be transported into a realm of brilliance, where music echoes the vast palette of colors dancing across the northern skies. The night includes delicious food, time with friends, silent auction, and exclusive entertainment including the return of the Metropolitan Opera Chorus’ Mikki Sodergren! The MKTrio and an ensemble of the Bangor Symphony Youth Orchestras will perform, followed by the always-exciting live auction, and more!
All proceeds benefit the Bangor Symphony Orchestra and its education programs.
Raffle tickets are also available for purchase. Click here for more details on how to enter for a chance (or multiple) to win the getaway of your dreams!
Thank you to our generous event sponsors: